Our strong, experienced underwriting team provides standard and customized coverage solutions for any type or size of complex risk, including hospitals and health systems of all sizes, reinsurance of captives, or any other segments that require nontraditional structures. We also make available data-driven risk management and data-driven claims handling to protect you and minimize financial exposure.

Product Options

  • Primary, lead excess, capacity excess, and captive reinsurance
  • Complete customized solutions for large health systems seeking alternative program structures
  • Data analytics and risk management services


  • Primary limits of $1 million/$3 million are standard
  • Excess/umbrella limits of up to $15 million
  • Umbrella capabilities over ancillary coverages (auto liability, employers’ liability, etc.)
  • Dual towers of coverage are available
  • Greater flexibility in program structure may be available for highly customized solutions

Coverage Features and Options

  • Broad, market-competitive professional liability coverage
  • General Liability
  • Employee Benefits Liability
  • Evacuation expense coverage
  • Legal/Media expense coverage
  • Reproductive Health Defense Protection—an additional coverage limit provided for the legal defense of medical practitioners involved in women’s reproductive healthcare

­Download Product Overview


  • Data analytics and information sharing capabilities provide differentiation and value to hospital insureds
  • An insightful tool set for managing and analyzing claims and trends has been developed and can help inform claims strategies, help manage risk, and reduce aggregate loss costs over time
  • Risk management support consists of an expansive library of educational resources, proactive assessment tools, and assistance through a 24-hour helpline



Data Analytics

Analytic Solutions That Offer Valuable Insights to Help Hospitals Reduce Liability Costs and Minimize Future Risk


Data-Driven Risk Management

Collaborative Approach That Helps Reduce Risk, Avoid Litigation, and Improve Care for Hospitals